

今天实在是太忙了,忙得我都忘记了要更新。好吧,我承认,其实我就是单纯地偷懒了,没有其他原因。我应该对自己负责,也应该对读者们负责,但我却疏忽了这一点。真的很抱歉,希望大家能够原谅我的失误。从现在开始,我会更加努力,不再犯同样的错误。 请忽略接下来的内容,不到1000字不让发。 我会尽快恢复正常的更新节奏,给大家带来更多精彩的内容。感谢你们一直以来的支持和理解,我会用更好的作品来回报你们。 另外,我也想借此机会听听大家的意见和建议。你们希望看到什么样的故事发展?有什么特别喜欢的角色或情节吗?欢迎在评论区留言告诉我,我会认真考虑每一个意见,让我们一起打造一个更美好的小说世界。 i was by today that i fot to update it okay, i adit it i was jt beg zy, no other rean i owe it to yself and to y readers, but i have neglected it i' really rry i hope you can five for y istake fro now on, i will work harder and never ake the sa istake aga please ignore the follog ntent, do not send less than 1000 words i will resu the noral update rhyth as on as possible and brg you ore wonderful ntent thank you for your support and understandg all the ti i will repay you with better works addition, i would like to take this opportunity to listen to your views and sugstions what kd of story would you like to see unfold? do you have any favorite characters or plots? let know the nts section, and i will take every sugstion serioly, that we can ake the world of fiction a better pce tother


